
the berre family

we have got a new blog theberrefamily.blogspot.com
come there and keep reading!
there have been some hiccups and i have posted on both sites recently...but this is our new spot so add it to your google reader.

by the way, do you use google reader? it is a spot to enter friends' and family's blogs that you read so you can go to one site and read everyone's new posts.  it is easy and convenient, a time-saver in this big time-sucker called the internet :)
(i am like an 80yo when it comes to technology so i don't know if everyone on earth already knew about google reader?!)
a photo from march 20, 1981 of my mother in law and the love of my life, sweet george walker berre


merry christmas

it amazes me.  that the mighty king and creator of all came down to earth and was born a helpless baby.  what a miracle!  so much to celebrate!


"it wasn't how she had intended."

while cuddled up next to my firstborn at rest time today, i read a sweet blog post  about our friends, the corbetts, meeting their son's birthmother.

amy wrote:

"I had no idea she delivered my son alone that night.  It wasn't how she had intended.  While in labor, a male nurse who knew about her plan to adopt stayed by her side, telling her what an amazing thing she was doing.  As if God sent her one of His angels.  The thought of her there at the hospital, bearing the physical pain ALONE on my behalf is seriously enough to make me weep if I dwell on it."

what a beautiful story.  what a beautiful reminder that things usually dont happen how we intended them to happen.  it was a good afternoon cry.  a good reminder that the broken heart is the healed heart.  that beauty can come from pain.  amen amen amen.


the berre family's new blog

we have used all of our photo space on blogger.
moving to a new spot at theberrefamily.blogspot.com
add it to your google reader and keep reading.


feasting on real food

i am amazed at their little brains.  sponges.  soaking it all up.  the good and the bad.
they walk and talk just like they see me walking and talking.
i giggle everytime flora says, "holy moly" like i do
i cringe when river says, "i dont like it when you talk to me like that mommie." responding just like i do when his attitude is wrong towards me.
i feel like right now i have two simple and profound, repetitive jobs:
to feed their bodies with tasty and healthy food
to feed their souls with spiritual food
God please give me the grace to do these well.  
i feel like i am in a dinner rut.  a lunch rut.  and come to think of it, a breakfast rut too.
same ole thing and mealtime dragging on and kids whining and me frustrated.
i read such a beautiful explanation of why it is so important to feed our family well...to take time to prepare the table for our loved ones.  good food for the body can certainly point us to the saving food for our soul.


her mom is a yoga teacher

so we had an impromptu dance party at river's birthday party last weekend.  

it was wild and crazy and consisted mostly of 10 children jumping up and down and then rolling around on the ground.  george would play each cousin their song and they would have a turn in the middle to dance and then we would all cheer and applaud for them.  willow's turn was a HIGHLIGHT of the day.  as you can see...her mom teaches yoga.

 she would do each pose and then hold it for a good 10 seconds.  precious child.  so funny.

why photographs are so great

photographs are so great because they freeze in time the story of our life.  they capture forever the little things that our memories may forget.  and oh how great these pictures are...

river wanting to be like his daddy

 children hanging off of nommie

more children hanging on nommie.  and a baby holding a baby.

the content and easy-going 3rd born children...
amidst all the chaos

 the audience for present opening
 (and...no one is EVER going to say, "betsy has great hair."  
but they may say, "betsy knows how to pull her hair back and make it look cute.")

the girls just wanna hold hands

water break...
look at walker in the background (being stalked by a sweet baby-loving girl at the park)

walker thinking that she is bigger than she is

clearly i need help...
bryan holding my baby and molly putting my big kids in the car for me.  thank you